Dreamt of death and woke up to 2 funeral invites.

Cinta Carangi
3 min readMay 6, 2022

But let’s start with my dream first, I’m selfish that way. As of lately I’ve been dreaming a lot about malls. Maybe it’s because my whole life here has been revolving around malls. Concrete temples of capitalism, fast fashion, and junk food. There’s one every few kilometres. My city prides itself for being religious, but there are more starbucks and malls than there are any place of proper worship.

I’m getting off course, we’re not here to discuss the new gods.

Now back to my dream, I seem to find myself in an underground settlement that’s been built like one of the malls I used to frequently visit. The thing I remembered about the mall in my dream was that there was a Subway there.

(Subway and malls are currently a recurring theme in my dreams, need to make note of that.)

The deeper I venture into the malls, the more I see office cubicles instead of food vendors or stores. Low lit desks with little to no workers. I see the few of them huddled and hunched on their seats, eating instant noodles, holding on to a blanket. Sirens suddenly blared and for a second I thought it might be my alarm, but it wasn’t. It stopped, and more people started showing up to the cubicles.

There was this burly looking man with kind eyes, acne scars, and a curly beard that he kept on grooming. He went through meetings and everything but not once did he stop.

I decided to leave for the promise of french fries, shoes from an old-fashioned brand, and the realization that the men I’ve been with were varities of my father; 6'3, has commitment issues, alcoholic, and delusionally confident.

I don’t understand either, there was a short montage that I can’t make sense of now that I’m awake.

Then it happened, that trademark horror movie scream, someone was dead. I haven’t even found out what happened but I knew (it’s my dream, so I have to have some sort of omnipotence and all-knowingness), someone was dead.

I’m going to put a few trigger warnings here, because it got a bit gore-y. The burly man I mentioned before was hung upside down from his legs, his eyes are hung out of its socket, and his beard looked like they’ve been waxed clean. I have a fear of eye injuries, so seeing that woke me up.

As always, my dog sung her morning song of breakfast. I check my phone for messages and found two funeral invites for two people; an intern that used to work in my division, and an old pastor of a church I used to go to.

I have yet to find the correlation of my dreams to these invites, maybe it was God telling me how short life was and that I shouldn’t spend it holed up with work and malls. Maybe it was about something else entirely that I have yet to learn. Or maybe there was no lesson to learn, and that my dreams are just dreams.

For now I should just leave things be.

My dog just clawed my eyes in excitement, maybe there is a correlation and a lesson after all.



Cinta Carangi

I write about my melatonin-induced dreams amongst other things.